What is Functional Interface in Java

March 14, 2020 | 1 comment


Functional Interface

Following interface is a functional interface since it has only one abstract method
interface MyComputeInterface {
  public int compute(int... a);

Functional Interface with default method.

Following interface is a functional interface since it has only one abstract method. It can have default methods though.
interface MyComputeInterfaceWithDefault {

  public int compute(int... a);

  default boolean isEven(int x) {
    return x / 2 == 0;


Invalid Functional Interface

Following interface is invalid since it contains more than one abstract methods. Also as we have the @FunctionalInterface annotation applied, the compiler will complain stating ComputeInterface is not a functional interface.
interface ComputeInterface {
  public int add(int... a);
  public int average(int... a);

Note the @FuncationalInterface annotation is a runtime informative annotation that will make the compiler to complain if the interface contains more than one abstract methods.
  • A functional interface has only one abstract method but it can have multiple default methods.
  • @FunctionalInterface annotation is used to ensure an interface can’t have more than one abstract method. The use of this annotation is optional.
  • instances of functional interfaces can be created with lambda expressions, method references, or constructor references
  • Java provides out of the box Functional interfaces that we can use.

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