How to Sort HashMap in java

This article covers some of the aspects of sorting Map in Java. Java Map comes in different flavours, like HashMap, TreeMap, LinkedHashMap etc. TreeMap for instance will sort the data based on the keys. We can also pass a custom Comparator to sort based on the keys as per the custom sort algorithm.
We can have two requirements in terms of sorting, first one is sorting by Keys and second is Sorting by Values. Following examples demonstrates few approaches for sorting by key and sorting by value. Following examples uses Java Lambda and Stream api to sort Java HashMap instance.

Sort by Value

Map sort by value in revere order
Following code snippet sorts the map based on value in reverse order and populates a new map reverseSortedMap from the data.
//LinkedHashMap preserve the ordering of elements in which they are inserted
Map reverseSortedMap =  new LinkedHashMap();
//Use Comparator.reverseOrder() for reverse ordering
    .forEachOrdered(x -> reverseSortedMap.put(x.getKey(), x.getValue()));

Sort By Key

Map sort by key in revere order
Following code snippet sorts the map based on the keys in reverse order.
//LinkedHashMap preserve the ordering of elements in which they are inserted
Map reverseSortedMapByKey =  new LinkedHashMap();;
//Use Comparator.reverseOrder() for reverse ordering
    .forEachOrdered(x -> reverseSortedMapByKey.put(x.getKey(), x.getValue()));

System.out.println("Sorted by Value Map : " + reverseSortedMapByKey);

Full Example

public class MapSortJava {

  public static void main(String[] args) {

    Map<Integer, String> map = new HashMap<Integer, String>();
    map.put(101, "Tokyo");
    map.put(3, "New York");
    map.put(2, "San Francisco");
    map.put(14, "Los Angels");
    map.put(5, "Austin");

    System.out.println("Unsorted Map : " + map);
   // LinkedHashMap preserve the ordering of elements in which they are inserted
    Map<Integer, String> reverseSortedMap = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>();;
    // Use Comparator.reverseOrder() for reverse ordering
        .forEachOrdered(x -> reverseSortedMap.put(x.getKey(), x.getValue()));
    System.out.println("Sorted by Value Map : " + reverseSortedMap);

    // LinkedHashMap preserve the ordering of elements in which they are inserted
    Map<Integer, String> reverseSortedMapByKey = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>();;
    // Use Comparator.reverseOrder() for reverse ordering
        .forEachOrdered(x -> reverseSortedMapByKey.put(x.getKey(), x.getValue()));
    System.out.println("Sorted by Value Map : " + reverseSortedMapByKey);

Unsorted Map : 2 ==> San Francisco 3 ==> New York 101 ==> Tokyo 5 ==> Austin 14 ==> Los Angels Sorted by Value Map (Reverse) : 2 ==> San Francisco 3 ==> New York 101 ==> Tokyo 5 ==> Austin 14 ==> Los Angels Sorted by Value Map (Reverse) : 101 ==> Tokyo 14 ==> Los Angels 5 ==> Austin 3 ==> New York 2 ==> San Francisco
Summary of steps
  • Get the entry set by calling the Map.entrySet().
  • Get the entry set stream by calling stream() method.
  • Use the Map.Entry.comparingByValue() or Map.Entry.comparingByKey().
  • Call the sorted method with a Comparator.
  • call the terminal operation forEachOrdered to store the each entries in the new Map.