
ResponseEntity class is used to represent HTTP response containing body, header and status. ResponseEntity class extends HttpEntity and used to encapsulate HTTP response. While writing the REST controller one of the common design questions is what should the controller method return? Also, we need to be cognizant about different REST endpoints and making sure all the responses maintain a standard pattern. All responses share common response building blocks like HTTP headers and HTTP Status. Using ResponseEntity is one of the options to write a REST controller, which helps in setting headers and status easily. ResponseEntity is not the only option we have while creating REST controllers. But It does provide some advantages In this short article, we will see the different ways of writing REST Controller and returning data from the controller.
How to handing serialize the data from the controller depends on the use case we are dealing with. But we should keep in mind about easy maintenance of code and maintaining request-response structure across different endpoints.
Using ResponseEntity is not only option to manipulate the response, but We can also return directly any Java object from the controller and let Spring do the serialization (Our Second example in this article).
For setting the HTTP status only we can use @ResponseStatus annotation.
For setting headers and status we can also javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse directly.

ResponseEntity Class

ResponseEntity Class is used to represent whole HTTP responses. It supports the
the message body,
status, etc.
Internally Response extends org.springframework.http.HttpEntity The advantage of using ResponseEntity is that it is easy to set headers status on this object directly which gets serialized as an HTTP response.
Let's see an example controller using ResponseEntity


Example 1: Controller with ResponseEntity
In this example, we are building a controller that returns a list of Tags as a response. Each tag is represented by a String object, so we are returning basically List
We are wrapping a list of tags received form service in ResponseEntity> object. We can then set the HTTP status on the ResponseEntity object. If everything looks good, we are setting the status "OK 200", else we are setting HTTP status " 500 Internal Server Error".
import java.util.List;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import com.bootng.beans.AppException;

public class TagAPIController {

@RequestMapping(value = {"v1/tags"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
      produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
  public ResponseEntity> getTagsV1() {
    try {
      List tags = blogService.getBlogTags();
      return ResponseEntity.ok().body(tags);
    } catch (AppException e) {
      return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build();
Following is a controller that also does the same stuff as the above controller. That is the return list of Tags. But here we are not using ResponseEntity, rather we are sending the Object directly from the controller method
Let's see the example.
Example 2: Controller without ResponseEntity
Following controller which returns the list of Tags as a JSON response. Notice that the method returns List and not ResponseEntity.
package com.bootng;

import java.util.List;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
import com.bootng.beans.AppException;

public class TagAPIController {

  private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TagAPIController.class);

  BlogService blogService;
  @RequestMapping(value = {"v3/tags"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
      produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
  public List getTagsV3() {
    List tags = null;
    try {
      tags = blogService.getBlogTags();
    } catch (AppException e) {
    return tags;
Response from both the above API / v3/tags and /v1/tags looks the same.
Example 3
In this example, we are writing the controller with HttpServletResponse as a parameter. This allows us to set the header and status directly on the object.
package com.bootng;
@RequestMapping(value = {"/welcome"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
      produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
void welcome(HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
    response.setHeader("Custom-Header-Message-Type", "welcome_user");
response.setHeader("Custom-Header-Message-LANG", "en-us");
  • We saw how to write a REST controller using ResponseEntity and without using ResponseEntity.
  • ResponseEntity makes it easy to set common HTTP Response elements like status code, headers, etc.
  • ResponseEntity is definitely useful but makes the overall controller method less readable the controller method return type is now ResponseEntity wrapped actual return type.


Spring Boot REST API example

REST is an acronym for REpresentational State Transfer. In this article, we will walk through a sample REST application built using Spring Boot. This application does not use any database to store data, all the data is in memory. We will expose a few REST endpoints. Main purpose of this article is to demonstrate how to build REST API's using Spring boot.

Application Details

This application is about building a backend for a Blog software and exposing two REST API endpoints.
Following two endpoints both returns response in JSON format.
/blogapi/blogs : Returns list of blogs
/blogapi/blogs/ID : Returns details of a specific blog
Technology Used
  • Spring Boot 2.2.6.RELEASE
  • Logback 1.2.3
  • Maven 3
  • Java 11
  • Jackson 2.10.3

Project Structure

Code Reference

Maven pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
	<name>Spring Boot Rest</name>
	<description>Springboot Rest App</description>
		<relativePath />
		<!-- -->
		<!-- junit 5 -->
BlogStory Model
BlogStory model class which represent a blog entry.
package com.bootng.model;

public class BlogStory {
  private String id;
  private String name;
  private String summary;
  private String description;
  private String category;
  public BlogStory() {
  public BlogStory (String name, String category, String summary) { = name.replaceAll(" ","_"); = name;
    this.summary = summary;
    this.category = category;
    this.description = summary + "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt "
        + "ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. "
        + "Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat."
        + " Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum "
        + "dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, "
        + "sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum" ;   
// Setters
BlogService Class
Service class which returns list of available blogs. Blog with an id etc.
public class BlogService {
  List category = Arrays.asList("Technical", "Travel", "Food", "Finance", "Entertainment");
  List stories = new ArrayList();
    stories.add(new BlogStory("Java 11", "Technical", "Java 11 Blog"));
    stories.add(new BlogStory("Java 14", "Technical", "Java 14 Blog"));
    stories.add(new BlogStory("Asia Travel", "Travel", "Places to visit in Asia"));
    stories.add(new BlogStory("Europe Travel", "Travel", "Places to visit in Europe"));
    stories.add(new BlogStory("Japan Travel", "Travel", "Places to visit in Japan"));
    stories.add(new BlogStory("Asian Food", "Food", "Asian Food......"));

  public BlogStory getBlogStory(String id) throws AppException {
    return -> id.equals(story.getId())).findAny().orElse(null);

  public List getBlogStory() throws AppException {
    return stories;

  public void addStory(BlogStory newStory) throws AppException {

  public List getBlogTags() throws AppException {
    return category;
Main Application Class
Spring Boot's main application class.
public class RestApplication {
  public static void main(String args[]) {, args);
BlogAPIController Controller Class
Controller class which exposes the two endpoints
GET /blogapi/blogs
and GET /blogapi/blogs/ID
@Controller annotation is used to mark this class as a Controller.
@RequestMapping is used to map the request paths "/blogs" to getBlogSotries method and /blog/ID to getBlogStory method.
In both cases we are mapping both the paths to HTTP GET verb by using method = RequestMethod.GET
@ResponseBody is used to convert the result to JSON (as we specified by produces=MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public class BlogAPIController {
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlogAPIController.class);
BlogService blogService;
ResponseEntity apiResponse = new ResponseEntity(newStory, HttpStatus.OK);
    return apiResponse;

@RequestMapping(value = {"/blogs"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
      produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
  public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity> getBlogStories() {"inside getBlogStories GET method");
    List blogStory = null;
    ResponseEntity> apiResponse;
    try {
      blogStory = blogService.getBlogStory();
      apiResponse = new ResponseEntity>(blogStory, HttpStatus.OK);
    } catch (AppException e) {
      apiResponse =
          new ResponseEntity>(blogStory, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
    return apiResponse;

@RequestMapping(value = {"/blogs"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
      produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
  public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity getBlogStory(@PathParam(value = "") String id) {"inside blog GET method");
    BlogStory blogStory = null;
    ResponseEntity apiResponse;
    try {
      blogStory = blogService.getBlogStory(id);
      if (blogStory == null)
        apiResponse = new ResponseEntity(blogStory, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
        apiResponse = new ResponseEntity(blogStory, HttpStatus.OK);
    } catch (AppException e) {
      apiResponse = new ResponseEntity(blogStory, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
    return apiResponse;

Start Application

Run Application
Build the project using mvn clean install and then run it with mvn spring-boot:run
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run

Call REST API's using CURL

CURL: Get list of Blogs
Using curl we can get list of blogs from the /blogs endpoint
curl -X GET  http://localhost:8080/blogapi/blogs 
CURL: Get specific blog details
Get a specific blog with id "Java_14" by calling /blogs/Java_14
curl -X GET localhost:8080/blogapi/blogs/Java_14
Git Source Code
  • git clone
  • cd springboot-rest
  • mvn clean install
  • mvn spring-boot:run


    In this article, we used Springs RestController annotation to build the API. With Spring boot we can use other frameworks like Jersey, Restlet, etc also to build API.

    Spring RestController vs Controller

    Spring 4 introduced a new annotation called RestController. It makes writing REST controllers a little easy as we don't have to repeat the @ResponseBody annotations in each and every controller method. In this short article, we will examine how to write the REST API controller using both the annotations. While writing the REST controller it is recommended to use @RestController rather then @Controller.

    @Controller Example

    Controller annotation is a classic annotation which marks a Class as a controller and helps Spring to autodetect these Classes though Class scanning. While developing REST API in Spring Boot, we can mark a Class as Controller. We then need to use the @ResponseBody annotation to be used so that whatever the method returns can be serialized.
    In this article, we will go through two examples a simple Controller which returns a list of categories and tags as JSON response respectively using both these annotations.

    Let's see an example with Controller annotation.
    CategoryController controller contains a method "getBlogCats" that returns a list of categories, it is mapped to the request path "/blogapi/categories". Here we are using @Controller annotation to mark this class as Controller. We need to use @ResponseBody annotation in the method getBlogCats so that List can be serialized and sent back to the client as Web response.
    CategoryController Class
    public class CategoryController {
      private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CategoryController.class);
      BlogService blogService;
      @RequestMapping(value = {"/categories"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
          produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
      public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<List<String>> getBlogCats() {
        ResponseEntity<List<String>> apiResponse;
        try {
          List<String> categories = blogService.getBlogCategories();
          apiResponse = new ResponseEntity<List<String>>(categories, HttpStatus.OK);
        } catch (AppException e) {
          apiResponse = new ResponseEntity<List<String>>(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
        return apiResponse;
    Next we will see a REST controller with @RestController. This Controller creates a GET REST endpoint that returns a list of Tags. It can be accessed as GET /blogapi/tags. The method getBlogTags() returns ResponseEntity>. Since we are marking the Class with @RestController, Spring will serialize the return type to HTTP response body and return to the client. Notice that we don't need to use @ResponseBody annotation.

    @RestController Example

    public class TagAPIController {
      private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(TagAPIController.class);
      BlogService blogService;
      @RequestMapping(value = {"/tags"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
          produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
      public ResponseEntity getBlogTags() {
        ResponseEntity<List<String>> apiResponse;
        try {
          List<String> tags = blogService.getBlogTags();
          apiResponse = new ResponseEntity<List<String>>(tags, HttpStatus.OK);
        } catch (AppException e) {
          apiResponse = new ResponseEntity<List<String>>(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
        return apiResponse;
    In this example since we marked the controller with @RestController , we don't need to mark getBlogTags with @ResponseBody explicitly.
    • @RestController is available from Spring 4.0 onwards.
    • @RestController is a composed annotation containing both @Controller and @ResponseBody annotations.
    • While writing REST controller it is better to use @RestController.
    • In this article, we have seen two different Controllers one using @Controller and another using @RestController.


    Spring boot custom banner

    Spring boot application while starting shows a number of useful information in the console. Generally, the console output will start with a spring boot banner. Like one bellow. In this article we will cover how to change the default banner and turning it on or off etc.
      .   ____          _            __ _ _
     /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
    ( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
     \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
      '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
     :: Spring Boot ::        (v2.2.6.RELEASE)

    How to Turn banner off

    We can turn off the banner by configuration changes or by java code change. Following section shows how to turn of the banner in both ways.
    The banner can be turned off by setting spring.main.banner-mode to off in file
    The following code demonstrates how we can set the banner mode off though java code in the Main application file.
    Main Application Class
    public class HelloApplication implements CommandLineRunner {
      private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloApplication.class);
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        var app = new SpringApplication(HelloApplication.class);
      HelloService service;
      public void run(String... args) throws Exception {;

    Changing the banner

    We can change the banner by providing ASCII banner contents in a file and specifying the file location in
    spring.banner.location points to the banner file. We can also specify additional properties in the banner.txt file. For instance, in the following example, we are specifying application.title, application.version, etc. to be displayed under the banner "bootng"

    Code Details

    ASCII banner content. We are using SpringBoot constants AnsiColor.RED to specify the color of the banner text.
     _                    _                 
    | |                  | |                
    | |__    ___    ___  | |_  _ __    __ _ 
    | '_ \  / _ \  / _ \ | __|| '_ \  / _` |
    | |_) || (_) || (_) || |_ | | | || (_| |
    |_.__/  \___/  \___/  \__||_| |_| \__, |
                                       __/ |
    Application Name: ${application.title}
    Application Version: ${application.version}  
    Spring Boot Version: ${spring-boot.version}
    application.title=Spring Boot Standalone App

    Run The Application

    mvn spring-boot:run
    Console output
     _                    _
    | |                  | |
    | |__    ___    ___  | |_  _ __    __ _
    | '_ \  / _ \  / _ \ | __|| '_ \  / _` |
    | |_) || (_) || (_) || |_ | | | || (_| |
    |_.__/  \___/  \___/  \__||_| |_| \__, |
                                       __/ |
    Application Name: Spring Boot Standalone App
    Application Version:
    Spring Boot Version: 2.2.6.RELEASE

    Git Source code

    • git clone
    • cd spring-boot-standalone-app
    • mvn clean install
    • mvn spring-boot:run

      How to create Stand alone app?

      With Spring Boot we can also create a stand-alone application, which does not need any web server or application server to run. In this article, we will go through a very simple Spring boot stand-alone application using the CommandLineRunner interface.
      We will go through a very simple Spring Boot application trying to understand how CommandLineRunner works and what are the alternatives to CommandLineRunner interface like Application Runner. CommandLineRunner : This interface can be used to dictate that a class that implements this interface should be executed once the SpringApplication context loaded. This interface has a single method "run" which takes String array as arguments. ApplicationRunner : Similar to CommandLineRunner how it works, it also has only one method "run", which gets executed once the SpringBoot Context loads. The only difference between these two interfaces is argument types. the run method in ApplicationRunner accepts an array of ApplicationArguments whereas run method in CommandLineRunner accepts array or Strings.
      Definition of CommandLineRunner interface. Note that it is a Functional interface, meaning it has only one method.
      public interface CommandLineRunner {
      	 * Callback used to run the bean.
      	 * @param args incoming main method arguments
      	 * @throws Exception on error
      	void run(String... args) throws Exception;

      Technology Used

      • Java 11
      • Apache Maven 3.5.0
      • Spring Boot 2.2.6
      • Logback 1.2.3
      • Eclipse IDE

      Code Structure

      Application Details

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <project xmlns=""
      	<name>Spring Boot Standalone App</name>
      	<description>Spring Boot Hello Standalone Application</description>
      		<relativePath />
      Our service Class defines three methods hello, bye, and onDestroy marked with @PreDestroy annotation.
      package com.bootng;
      import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
      import org.slf4j.Logger;
      import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
      import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;
      public class HelloService {
        private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloService.class);
        public String hello() {
          return "Hello Spring Boot!";
        public void onDestroy() throws Exception {
"Spring Container is destroyed!");
        public String bye() {
          String msg = "Bye..... Have a nice day!";
          return msg;
      HelloApplication Class
      Our HelloApplication Class implements CommandLineRunner interface. We inject the HelloService using @Autowired annotation. In the run method, we call the service.hello method.
      package com.bootng;
      import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
      import org.springframework.boot.CommandLineRunner;
      import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
      import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
      import org.slf4j.Logger;
      import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
      public class HelloApplication implements CommandLineRunner {
        private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HelloApplication.class);
        HelloService service;
        public void run(String... args) throws Exception {

      Running the application

      Run the application by executing the following command
      mvn spring-boot:run
      Console Output
      20-June-01 16:28:57:549 INFO main c.b.HelloApplication:651 - No active profile set, falling back to default profiles: default 20-June-01 16:28:57:844 INFO main c.b.HelloApplication:61 - Started HelloApplication in 0.64 seconds (JVM running for 0.872) 20-June-01 16:28:57:845 INFO main c.b.HelloApplication:26 - Hello Spring Boot! 20-June-01 16:28:57:846 INFO SpringContextShutdownHook c.b.HelloService:21 - Spring Container is destroyed! 20-June-01 16:28:57:847 INFO SpringContextShutdownHook c.b.HelloService:27 - Bye..... Have a nice day!
      We can see the application will execute and terminate with messages like "Hello Spring Boot!" and Bye..."Have a nice day!"
      First message is printed by run->service.hello() method as soon as the application starts.
      The second message is somewhat special and is printed by invoking service.bye() by the Spring framework before the application exits.
      Git Source Code
      • git clone
      • cd spring-boot-standalone-app
      • mvn clean install
      • mvn spring-boot:run


        Using CommandLineRunner we can create a stand alone Spring Boot application
        We can use the @PreDestroy to call methods from service class before it is unloaded by Spring while exiting the application

        Testing Spring Boot App with JUnit 5 and Mockito

        Writing Unit Tests for an application is very important to make sure the software works as expected. JUnit 5 is the latest release of Junit 5 and it is already gaining popularity. In this article, we will walk through a simple Spring Boot Application and will write unit tests using Junit and Mockito.


        Before we dig into would like to give a broad overview of JUnit 5 and Mockito. Junit5 is the latest release of Junit, it is much different then Junit4, so many of the Junit4 specific annotations do not work with Junit 5. Mockito is a mocking framework and is very popular in the Opensource community. With Mockito we can mock an object or a method. For example in this article, we will be writing unit testing for the controller and we will mock the service layer.

        Application Details

        The Spring boot application we are building here is a simple App with one controller and one service class. The application creates rest endpoints (/blogs, /blogs/ID) through which we can get the list of blogs and specific blog details.

        Code Structure

        Spring Boot JUNIT5 Project Structure

        Code details

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <project xmlns=""
         <name>bootngSpringboot  Rest</name>
         <description>bootng Springboot Rest</description>
          <relativePath />
          <!-- -->
          <!-- junit 5 -->
        Our main application class.
        package com.bootng;
        import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
        import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
        import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
        import org.slf4j.Logger;
        import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
        public class RestApplication {
          private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestApplication.class);
          public static void main(String args[]) {
  "about to call");
  , args);
  "completed executing");
        Our service class which has three methods getBlogStory(String id), getBlogStory() and getBlogTags() respectively. Controller class which exposes the REST endpoints will call these methods.
        public class BlogService {
          List category = Arrays.asList("Technical", "Travel", "Food", "Finance", "Entertainment");
          List stories = new ArrayList();
            stories.add(new BlogStory("Java 11", "Technical", "Java 11 Blog"));
            stories.add(new BlogStory("Java 14", "Technical", "Java 14 Blog"));
            stories.add(new BlogStory("Asia Travel", "Travel", "Places to visit in Asia"));
            stories.add(new BlogStory("Europe Travel", "Travel", "Places to visit in Europe"));
            stories.add(new BlogStory("Japan Travel", "Travel", "Places to visit in Japan"));
            stories.add(new BlogStory("Asian Food", "Food", "Asian Food......"));
          public BlogStory getBlogStory(String id) throws AppException{
            return -> id.equals(story.getId())).findAny().orElse(null);
          public List getBlogStory() throws AppException {
            return stories;
          public List getBlogTags() throws AppException{
            return category;
        Controller class which creates two rest endpoints /blogs and /blog/ID. Both methods might return an error responses.
        public class BlogAPIController {
          private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlogAPIController.class);
          BlogService blogService;
          @RequestMapping(value = {"/blogs"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
              produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
          public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity> getBlogStories() {
  "inside getBlogStories GET method");
            List blogStory = null;
            ResponseEntity> apiResponse;
            try {
              blogStory = blogService.getBlogStory();
              apiResponse = new ResponseEntity>(blogStory, HttpStatus.OK);
            } catch (AppException e) {
              apiResponse = new ResponseEntity>(blogStory, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
            return apiResponse;
          @RequestMapping(value = {"/blog"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
              produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
          public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity  getBlogStory(@PathParam(value = "") String id) {
  "inside blog GET method");
            BlogStory blogStory = null;
            ResponseEntity  apiResponse;
            try {
              blogStory = blogService.getBlogStory(id);
              if (blogStory == null) 
                apiResponse = new ResponseEntity(blogStory, HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);
                apiResponse = new ResponseEntity(blogStory, HttpStatus.OK);
            } catch (AppException e) {
              apiResponse = new ResponseEntity(blogStory, HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
             return apiResponse;
        In this Test class, we are testing the two methods of the Service class. We get an autowired instance of the BlogService class. We use the @ExtendWith annotation of JUnit5 . We also use the @ContextConfiguration annotation from Spring Boot to load the appropriate context.
        @ContextConfiguration(classes = {BlogService.class})
        public class BlogServiceTest {
          BlogService service;
          public void test_getBlogStory() {
            List list;
            try {
              list = service.getBlogStory();
              Assertions.assertNotNull(list, "list should not be null");
            } catch (AppException e) {
              // TODO Auto-generated catch block
          public void test_getBlogStory_with_id() {
            BlogStory data;
            try {
              data = service.getBlogStory("Java_11");
              Assertions.assertNotNull(data, "data should not be null");
            } catch (AppException e) {
              // TODO Auto-generated catch block
        @ContextConfiguration(classes = {BlogAPIController.class, BlogService.class})
        public class BlogAPIControllerTest {
          BlogService blogService;
          private BlogAPIController controller;
          public void setup() {
          public void contextLoads() {}
          public void test_getBlogStories() throws AppException {
            when(blogService.getBlogStory()).thenReturn(new ArrayList());
            ResponseEntity> object = controller.getBlogStories();
            Assertions.assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK, object.getStatusCode(), "OK Status");
          public void test_getBlogStory_not_found() throws AppException {
            ResponseEntity object = controller.getBlogStory("444");
            Assertions.assertEquals(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, object.getStatusCode(), "OK Status");
        Our controller test class. In this class we use Mokito to inject a mocked BlogService, then we can use the stubbing method like "when" to return different results from the service class.
        @ContextConfiguration(classes = {BlogAPIController.class, BlogService.class})
        public class BlogAPIControllerTest {
          BlogService blogService;
          private BlogAPIController controller;
          public void setup() {
          public void contextLoads() {}
          public void test_getBlogStories_success() throws AppException {
            when(blogService.getBlogStory()).thenReturn(new ArrayList());
            ResponseEntity> object = controller.getBlogStories();
            Assertions.assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK, object.getStatusCode(), "OK Status");
          public void test_getBlogStory_Not_found() throws AppException {
            ResponseEntity object = controller.getBlogStory("444");
            Assertions.assertEquals(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, object.getStatusCode(), "OK Status");


        What is covered
        In this article, we saw how to write a simple Spring Boot Application. Write Unit tests and execute unit tests. Mock service classes.
        Source code and Build
        git clone cd springboot-junit #build the application mvn install #run the tests mvn test

        Setting and Reading Active Profiles

        This article shows different ways to set the active profile that requires java code change. We can then activate different profiles in different environments based on some application logics. Also, we can list the list of active profiles as shown in the below examples. The article is divided into two sections, one for setting the active profile and the other one is listing the active profiles.

        Setting though setAdditionalProfiles.

        The following example shows how to set the active profile "prod" by calling setAdditionalProfiles from the Spring Application Class. We need to set the profiles before the run method.
        import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
        import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;
        import org.springframework.context.annotation.ComponentScan;
        import org.slf4j.Logger;
        import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
        @ComponentScan({"com.bootng", "com.bootng.service"})
        public class RestApplication {
          private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestApplication.class);
          public static void main(String args[]) {
  "about to call");
            // set extra profile
            SpringApplication application = new SpringApplication(RestApplication.class);
  "completed executing");

        Listing Active Spring Boot Profiles by @Value

        the property contains the list of active profiles. We can read this value by @Value annotations

        Listing Active Spring Boot Profiles by Environment

        Through org.springframework.core.env.Environment
        The following code shows how to read the list of active profiles by using org.springframework.core.env.Environment object.
        private Environment environment;
        //read the active profiles from environment object.
        String result = "Currently active profile - ";
        for (String profileName : environment.getActiveProfiles()) {
            result+=" " + profileName;


        How to set active profiles

        Spring Boot applications can have more than one Profiles. Sometimes we need to set the active profile so that the application reads the appropriate properties or Beans. This article demonstrates some of the different ways to set the Spring Active Profile though properties file and environment variables setting which does not need code chage.


        Set Active Spring Profiles In the file
        We can set active profiles for Spring Boot applications in the file, as shown in the bellow. Here we are setting prod profile as active profile.

        Environment variable

        Set Active Spring Profiles by setting an Environment variable
        Following example, we are setting the Environment variable, which would be read by the Spring Boot Application.
        export spring_profiles_active=dev

        JVM System Properties

        Set Active Spring Profiles by using JVM System Properties
        Following the example, we are setting the active profile by setting JVM system property
        java -jar bootng-springboot-profiles-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

        With Maven plugin

        When using Maven plugin use the following command to pass the active profiles.
        mvn spring-boot:run,dev


        Spring Boot Logging with Logback

        In this article we will cover some important concepts about logging with Spring Boot and Logback. Spring Boot uses Commons Logging for all internal logging but leaves the underlying log implementation open. Spring Boot supports logging using Java Util Logging, Log4J2, and Logback. By default, if we use the “Starters”, Logback is used for logging. In this article we will work with Logback for logging with a Spring Boot Application. Logback Loggers may be assigned levels. The set of possible levels are (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN and ERROR) We will go through the details of turning on Logging at different levels also different levels under different environments (different Profiles)


        In this article we will walk through a simple Spring Boot application configured with logback for logging. In this application, we will enable different logging under different profiles though logback_profile.xml file.
        Application Details
        ProfileController controller contains log messages for each log level (TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, and ERROR). This controller can be accessed at localhost:8080/profiles. The controller will return the name of the active profile to the browser. This controller will write log messages to the console with different available levels as per the active profile. We configure the different log level for different profiles using logback-profile.xml

        Project Structure

        Technology used
        Spring Boot 2.2.6.RELEASE Logback 1.2.3 Maven 3 Java 11

        Code reference
        # if no active profile, default is 'default'
        # logging level
        # root level
        # output to a file
        logging.pattern.file=%d %p %c{1.} [%t] %m%n
        logging.pattern.console=%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} [%t] %-5level %logger{36} - %msg%n
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <springProfile name="default">
          <appender name="stdout"
            <pattern>%d{yy-MMMM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS} %5p %t %c{2}:%L - %m%n
          <root level="DEBUG">
           <appender-ref ref="stdout" />
          <logger name="com.bootng" level="DEBUG" />
         <springProfile name="dev">
          <logger name="com.bootng" level="DEBUG" />
         <springProfile name="prod">
          <logger name="com.bootng" level="ERROR" />
        public class ProfileController {
         private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ProfileController.class);
          private Environment environment;
          @RequestMapping(value = {"/profile"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
              produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
          public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity <String> paymentInfo() {
            logger.trace("Inside GET profile");
            logger.debug("Inside GET profile");
  "Inside GET profile");
            logger.warn("Inside GET profile");
            logger.error("Inside GET profile");
            String result = "Currently active profile - ";
            for (String profileName : environment.getActiveProfiles()) {
               result+=" " + profileName;
            return new ResponseEntity<String>(result, HttpStatus.OK);

        Run Application

        With dev profile
        Run the application in with active profile=dev and go to localhost:8080/profile. You can see the following logs.
        mvn spring-boot:run
        01:39:43.304 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] TRACE com.bootng.ProfileController - Inside GET profile
        01:39:43.305 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] DEBUG com.bootng.ProfileController - Inside GET profile
        01:39:43.305 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] INFO com.bootng.ProfileController - Inside GET profile
        01:39:43.305 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] WARN com.bootng.ProfileController - Inside GET profile
        01:39:43.305 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] ERROR com.bootng.ProfileController - Inside GET profile
        With prod profile
        Run the application in with active profile=prod and go to localhost:8080/profile. You can see the following logs.
        mvn spring-boot:run
        1:40:27.179 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] ERROR com.bootng.ProfileController - Inside GET profile
        You can see the difference in the logs from the same controller under different profiles.

        Summary and Git Project

        Download Source Code
        git clone cd spring-boot-profiles #Build the project mnv install # Run the application with dev set as the active profile mvn spring-boot:run # Run the application with prod set as the active profile mvn spring-boot:run
        We can configure log levels differently for different packages. We can configure a log for different profiles using the springProfile tag. Logback recommends using logback-spring.xml for configuring logs. logback-spring.xml is optional and used to control the logs though different appenders or levels. we can also turn on logs for different packages or root using


        Example with Spring Profiles

        In continuation of the Spring Boot profiles, in this article we will walk through different use cases. We will see how to read property files and display them through a controller. We have following use cases 1)Defining and reading profile-specific beans 2) populating beans from a properties file.


        In this article, we will build a Spring Boot Application with a two-controller and 2 profile-specific configuration files.

        Code structure

        Spring Boot Application Structure

        Technology Used
        Java 11
        Spring Boot 2.2.6.RELEASE
        Maven 3.5.0
        Eclipse IDE

        Application details

        This application we have one controller EmailController which shows some data to the response. These data are collected from different Java classes. Each java class is populated by Spring in a different way. PaymentProperties: This defines a bean-based on profile. When we read the bean PaymentProp from EmailController it shows the data based on the active profile. MailSenderProperties: It is populated by the active profile property file. ContactProperties and AddressProperties: These objects are populated from the respective properties file and have nothing to do with an active profile.

        Code details

        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <project xmlns=""
         <name>com.bootng Springboot Profile</name>
         <description>com.bootng Springboot Profile</description>
          <relativePath />
        Application Class
        @ComponentScan({"com.bootng", "com.bootng.service"})
        public class RestApplication {
          private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RestApplication.class);
          public static void main(String args[]) {
  "about to call");
  "completed executing");
        package com.bootng;
        public class EmailController {
          public MailSenderProperties mailSender;
          private ContactProperties contact;
          private AddressProperties address;
          private ApplicationContext applicationContext;
          private String paymentServerVer;
          @RequestMapping(value = {"/details"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
              produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
          public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity <String> paymentInfo() {
            //Get the Bean with name PaymentProp
            HashMap<String, String> paymentProp = (HashMap<String, String>) applicationContext.getBean("PaymentProp");
            //Get the payment Server version from file
            String paymentInfo ="\nPayment Server Version:= " +  paymentProp.toString();
            String smtpInfo = "\n Mail Server SMTP Host: " + mailSender.getSmtpHost() + " SMTP Port:"
                + mailSender.getSmtpPort();
            String info = "\nContactInfo From=" + contact.getFrom() + " Email=" + contact.getFromEmail();
            String addressInfo = "\n AddressInfo Street=" + address.getStreet() + 
                                 " City=" + address.getCity() +
                                 " State=" + address.getState() +
                                 " Zip=" + address.getZip();
            String result = paymentInfo + smtpInfo + info + addressInfo;
            return new ResponseEntity<String>(result, HttpStatus.OK);
          @RequestMapping(value = {"/smtp"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
              produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
          public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity<String> sendEmail() {
            String result = "<br>Mail Server SMTP Host: " + mailSender.getSmtpHost() + " SMTP Port:"
                + mailSender.getSmtpPort();
            return new ResponseEntity<String>("email sent" + result, HttpStatus.OK);
          @RequestMapping(value = {"/address"}, method = RequestMethod.GET,
              produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
          public @ResponseBody ResponseEntity <String> getAddress() {
            String info = "From=" + contact.getFrom() + " Email=" + contact.getFromEmail();
            String addressInfo = " Street=" + address.getStreet() + 
                                 " City=" + address.getCity() +
                                 " State=" + address.getState() +
                                 " Zip=" + address.getZip();
            return new ResponseEntity<String>(info + addressInfo, HttpStatus.OK);
        public class PaymentProperties {
          public HashMap<String, String> getPaymentServerDev() {
              HashMap<String, String> paymentMethod = new HashMap<>();
              paymentMethod.put("Currency", "USD");
              paymentMethod.put("ChargePercentage", "1");
              paymentMethod.put("Gateway", "BOA");
              return paymentMethod;
          public HashMap<String, String> getPaymentServerProd() {
              HashMap<String, String> paymentMethod = new HashMap<>();
              paymentMethod.put("Currency", "Pound");
              paymentMethod.put("ChargePercentage", "4");
              paymentMethod.put("Gateway", "BankOfEngland");
              return paymentMethod;
        public class MailSenderProperties {
          private String smtpHost;
          private Integer smtpPort;
          public String getSmtpHost() {
            return smtpHost;
          public void setSmtpHost(String smtpHost) {
            this.smtpHost = smtpHost;
          public Integer getSmtpPort() {
            return smtpPort;
          public void setSmtpPort(Integer smtpPort) {
            this.smtpPort = smtpPort;
        @ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "contact")
        public class ContactProperties {
          private String from;
          private String fromEmail;
          private String twitterHandle;
          public String getFrom() {
            return from;
          public void setFrom(String from) {
            this.from = from;
          public String getFromEmail() {
            return fromEmail;
          public void setFromEmail(String fromEmail) {
            this.fromEmail = fromEmail;
          public String getTwitterHandle() {
            return twitterHandle;
          public void setTwitterHandle(String twitterHandle) {
            this.twitterHandle = twitterHandle;
        public class AddressProperties {
          private String street;
          private String city;
          private String state;
          private String zip;
          public String getStreet() {
            return street;
          public void setStreet(String street) {
            this.street = street;
          public String getCity() {
            return city;
          public void setCity(String city) {
   = city;
          public String getState() {
            return state;
          public void setState(String state) {
            this.state = state;
          public String getZip() {
            return zip;
          public void setZip(String zip) {
   = zip;
        Run with profile prod
        Run the application with prod profile set to active and then when the application is started, go to http://localhost:8080/details
        mvn spring-boot:run
        Browser Output
        Payment Server Version:= {Gateway=BankOfEngland, Currency=Pound, ChargePercentage=4} Mail Server SMTP Host: SMTP Port:8888 ContactInfo From=admin AddressInfo Street=1901 Palo Alto Avenue City=Palo Alto State=California Zip=950441
        Run with profile dev
        Stop the running application. And then restart with profile = dev
        mvn spring-boot:run
        Browser Output
        Payment Server Version:= {Gateway=BOA, Currency=USD, ChargePercentage=1} Mail Server SMTP Host: SMTP Port:7777 ContactInfo From=admin AddressInfo Street=1901 Palo Alto Avenue City=Palo Alto State=California Zip=950441
        Download Source code
        git clone cd sping-boot-profiles mvn clean install mvn spring-boot:run


        This article shows different ways we can use Profiles in Application. We can see different values in the Controller output based on the profile. We can have multiple profiles active, but this article deals with only setting one profile at a time. Can you guess what will happen with this application and multiple profiles set active?

        Spring Boot Profile Examples

        This article show example of a Spring Boot Profile and how to use it. Spring Boot application can define multiple Profiles, and at a time we can have more than one Profile active. Activating a certain profile can let the Application use the profile-specific property values or profile-specific Beans. To use different values based on different Profiles, either we can use profile-specific properties files. Or we can also define beans under different Profiles.

        Profile specific beans

        In Spring Boot we can have Beans which are populated with different values based on the profile that is active. The following example shows a Configuration class PaymentProperties which contains a Bean PaymentProp defined under two profiles. For profile "dev" we are setting currency as USD but for profile "prod" we are setting currency as Pound.
        @Profile at the @Bean
        The following example shows how to use @Profile annotation at the method level. We have defined two methods(same PaymentProp Beans, different implementations under different Profile) inside the PaymentProperties class. Both methods are annotated with different Profiles. Essentially we have defined profile-specific beans.
        public class PaymentProperties {
          public HashMap getPaymentServerDev() {
              HashMap paymentMethod = new HashMap<>();
              paymentMethod.put("Currency", "USD");
              paymentMethod.put("ChargePercentage", "1");
              paymentMethod.put("Gateway", "BOA");
              return paymentMethod;
          public HashMap getPaymentServerProd() {
              HashMap paymentMethod = new HashMap<>();
              paymentMethod.put("Currency", "Pound");
              paymentMethod.put("ChargePercentage", "4");
              paymentMethod.put("Gateway", "BankOfEngland");
              return paymentMethod;
        Now When we load the bean, based on which profile is active, Spring Boot will load the corresponding Bean definition.

        @Profile with @PropertySource

        In this example, we have only one Class defined as MailSenderProperties. Based on the active profile spring boot will populate this class with values read from respective property files.
        The following class demonstrates how to use Profile to read profile based configuration files. In this case the MailSenderProperties class with be populated with values from the respective properties file.
        public class MailSenderProperties {
          private String smtpHost;
          private Integer smtpPort;
          public String getSmtpHost() {
            return smtpHost;
          public void setSmtpHost(String smtpHost) {
            this.smtpHost = smtpHost;
          public Integer getSmtpPort() {
            return smtpPort;
          public void setSmtpPort(Integer smtpPort) {
            this.smtpPort = smtpPort;
        Important Points
        With Profile specific beans we have to make sure that the beans are available under the respective profiles, before using it. We can have multiple profiles active at a time so we can have multiple beans also populated. @Bean name is important as that is the name by which we can access the beans defined.

        Further Reading