When to use LinkedHashMap.removeEldestEntry method

removeEldestEntry method exists only on subclasses of LinkedHashMap
removeEldestEntry always invoked after an element is inserted. Based on what this method returns following action will happen if method returns true based on some condition, then the oldest entry will be removed. if method always returns true then basically list will be empty. if method return false, then nothing will be deleted and map will behave like any other LinkedHashMap. after every put or putAll insertion, the eldest element will be removed, no matter what. The JavaDoc shows a very sensible example on how to use it:
Lets see an example of removeEldestEntry.
MapRemoveEntry Example
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class MapRemoveEntry {

	public static void main(String argv[]) {

		LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> map = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>() {
			private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

			protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry<Integer,String> eldest) {
				return size() > 4;

		map.put(0, "A");
		map.put(1, "B");
		map.put(2, "C");
		map.put(3, "D");
		map.put(4, "E");
		map.forEach((k,v) -> { System.out.println("key = " + k + " value = " + v);});
If we run the above example we will get following output.
key = 1 value = B
key = 2 value = C
key = 3 value = D
key = 4 value = E
Reason is, method removeEldestEntry returns true when the map size is >4. That means when the map size is greater than 4 => the oldest entry will be removed. In this case oldest is the very first entry with (key=0, value=A).


Using removeEldestEntry we can control when to remove the most oldest entry from the map. This can be used for creating a cache.

About sealed classes and interfaces

Starting Java 17 we can now allow additional class modifiers like sealed, non-sealed etc. A sealed class or interface can be extended or implemented only by those classes and interfaces permitted to do so.
Earlier we had only two options, allow subclasses to inherit the parent class or interface or not at all. In the later case using Final class modifier. Using sealed we can take a more controlled middle path where the Parent Class or Interface can dictate the Sub classes which can inherit from the Class.
Following are the keywords related to sealed classes. sealed : only permitted classes can extend a sealed class/interface permits: used along with sealed and mentions the names of the child classes. non-sealed: if we want a specific class (inherited from a sealed class) to be inheritable we can open it up by marking it non-sealed.

Defining sealed class

Let's define a sealed class Tesla with 3 known subclasses that it can have.

sealed Tesla

package java17.sealed;

public abstract sealed class Tesla permits Model3, ModelS, TeslaSUV{
	public abstract Integer maxRange();
	public String basePrice() {
		return "25000 USD";

Now start implementing the subclasses possible. We implement Model3 and mark it final which will make the inheritance chance closed at this level.
//Subclass 1
public final class Model3 extends Tesla {
	public Integer maxRange() {
		return 200;

//Subclass 2
public final class ModelS extends Tesla {
	public Integer maxRange() {
		return 400;
In this third case we want the TeslaSUV to be extendable so that it can be extended. That's why we will mark it with non-sealed.
//Subclass3 (non-sealed)
public non-sealed class TeslaSUV extends Tesla {
	public Integer maxRange() {
		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
		return null;

Style Two: Using member classes

We can also directly implement possible child classes that we want to allow as member classes without using permit. In the following example we are creating a sealed class BMWCars and three member classes.
package java17.sealed;

public sealed class BMWCars {

	public final class BMW3 extends BMWCars implements ElectricVehicle{

	public final class BMWI extends BMWCars implements Vehicle {

	public non-sealed class BMWJV extends BMWCars implements Vehicle {



Rules for Defining Sealed Classes or Interfaces

Both Class and Interface can be marked with sealed. Inherited child classes can be marked with either final, sealed and non-sealed. Every permitted subclass must directly extend the sealed class. A permitted subclass may be non-sealed so that it is open for extension by unknown subclasses.


With introduction of sealed classes we can define the known subclasses of an abstract class. In other words now we can enforce extension of classes that is known in compile time. It allows us to have greater control of class proliferation and improve security.

Java record in details with example

With Java 14 we have a new way to represent data intensive objects with less boilerplate codes.
Consider the following object representing Address and containing 5 fields. Address:{ street: city: zip: state: country: }
following record AddressRecord will be able to represent above address information.
package Java14;

public record AddressRecord(String street, String city, Integer zip, String state, String country) {

We can instantiate AddressRecord record instance by passing the parameter values. Also system will generate the getter methods. The JVM will generate the getter methods for us. like, street() city() zip() state() country()
package Java14;

public class AddressRecordDemo {

	public static void main (String arg[]) {
		AddressRecord address1 = new AddressRecord("1044 Main Street", "Livermore", 94550, "CA", "USA");
Record can be very useful when we want to write DTO objects which is to carry or represent information. Following are some of the properties/rules that record have.
Rules for record
  • record can have Constructor.
  • record can have only static fields.
  • record cannot have instance field.
  • record can implement Interfaces.
  • We cannot extends record since implicitly it is final.

How to check if a Java object is final

final modifier can be applied at class level. If a Class is marked final it cannot be extended.
Sample final Class

final class MyCustomClass {

Using java.lang.reflect.Modifier

Using java.lang.reflect.Modifier,, We can check if a class is final though java.lang.reflect.Modifier.isFinal() method. MyCustomClass.class.getModifiers() will provide an integer number representing the class modifier. For example for the above class it prints 16. Now the value returned from the getModifiers() can be decoded with method Modifier.isFinal();
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

public class JavaReflectionModifiers {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
                 //prints 16
                 //returns true



final class MyCustomClass {

More Examples

package Java14;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

public class JavaReflectionModifiers {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		//prints true
		//prints true
		//prints false



final class MyCustomClass {

Can Java record be extended?

Java record introduced in java 14. It provides a way to reduce boiler plate code while defining data classes. record is final implicitly and cannot be extended.
For example in the following record MobilePhone, we cannot extend it.
record MobilePhone
record MobilePhone(String brand, String modelName, Number osVersion, boolean canFlip) {

Java records are implicitly final it can be confirmed by the following code. Which checks if the java.lang.Class for the object have final modifier or not.
package Java14;

import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;

public class RecordFinalTest {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		MobilePhone phone1 = new MobilePhone("Samsung", "Galaxy1", 1, false);



For more details about record in Java please check the following references.


How to create double linked list in Java

In Double Linked List we have each node pointing to the previous and next node. Here we will see how to create a custom Double Linked List in java.
Some properties of linked list is that, it has a node that can contain some value and then each node is linked to next node and also previous node. That's why we can traverse the linked list sequentially given we know the starting (head) node or last (tail) node.
Custom Linked List
class MyLinkedList<E> {

	/* first points to head of the list */
	public Node<E> first = null;

	/* last points to tail of the list */
	public Node<E> last = null;

	 * Add item to tail (end) of the List
	 * @param item
	 * @return
	public boolean add(E item) {
		Node<E> newNode = new Node<E>(last, item, null);

		if (last == null) {
			// last points to the new node created
			first = newNode;
		} else {
			last.next = newNode;
		// update last so that it points to the new node
		last = newNode;
		return true;

	static class Node<E> {
		public E value;
		public Node<E> next;
		public Node<E> prev;

		Node(Node<E> prev, E element, Node<E> next) {
			this.value = element;
			this.next = next;
			this.prev = prev;

In the above implementation we have defined the main class MyLinkedList and inside it we defined a generic static class Node. Each Node object can hold a value and has links to previous (prev) and next nodes.
Create Instance of MyLinkedList
//create instance
MyLinkedList<Integer> list = new MyLinkedList<Integer>();

//add values 1,2,3,4,5
Print the content of the node
//Get the first node (head node) and then print it by traversing all nodes
MyLinkedList.Node<Integer> node = list.first;
while (node != null) {
	System.out.println("Content of Node: " + node.value);
	node = node.next;
Content of Node: 1
Content of Node: 2
Content of Node: 3
Content of Node: 4
Content of Node: 5

Syntax Highlighting on Webpage including Blogger.com

Syntax Highlighting on Webpage including Blogger.com
Prism is a lightweight syntax highlighter, very easy to use and works very well.

Prism Source

Like most Java scripts prism can be downloaded and used in any web application or it can also be served from CDN Networks. Some of the CDN Networks are as follows as of writing. https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/prismjs https://cdnjs.com/libraries/prism https://unpkg.com/browse/prismjs@1.29.0/

Adding Prism JS

Include JS and CSS for Prism in the Head section of page
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/prismjs@1.29.0/themes/prism.min.css" integrity="sha256-ko4j5rn874LF8dHwW29/xabhh8YBleWfvxb8nQce4Fc=" crossorigin="anonymous">
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/prismjs@1.29.0/prism.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/prismjs@1.29.0/plugins/autoloader/prism-autoloader.min.js"></script>

Use respective language css class in page

Example for language java.
<code class="language-java">
   Java Code here

Example with Java Script

Example for language javascript.
<code class="language-javascript">
   Javascript Code here
Basically for the supported language we need to use respective css class (language-LANGUAGE}, for instance in above case we used language-java and language-javascript as css class. Prism support a lot of different languages, the full list can be found in the official prism site.

About sealed classes and interfaces

Starting Java 17 we can now allow additional class modifiers like sealed, non-sealed etc. A sealed class or interface can be extended or implemented only by those classes and interfaces permitted to do so. Following are the keywords related to sealed classes.
New Keywords
    Earlier we had only two options, allow subclasses to inherit the parent class or interface or not at all. In the later case using Final class modifier. Using sealed we can take a more controlled middle path where the Parent Class or Interface can dictate the Sub classes which can inherit from the Class.

    Defining sealed class (Two Styles)

    Style One: Using permit keyword

    using the class modifiers sealed and permits we can create sealed classes. In the example bellow we are Defining abstract sealed class Tesla which permits three known subclasses Model3, ModelS and TeslaSUV.
    package java17.sealed;
    public abstract sealed class Tesla permits Model3, ModelS, TeslaSUV{
    	public abstract Integer maxRange();
    	public String basePrice() {
    		return "25000 USD";
    //Subclass 1
    public final class Model3 extends Tesla {
    	public Integer maxRange() {
    		return 200;
    //Subclass 2
    public final class ModelS extends Tesla {
    	public Integer maxRange() {
    		return 400;
    //Subclass3 (non-sealed)
    public non-sealed class TeslaSUV extends Tesla {
    	public Integer maxRange() {
    		// TODO Auto-generated method stub
    		return null;

    Style Two: Using member classes

    In the following example we are creating a sealed class BMWCars and three member classes.
    package java17.sealed;
    public sealed class BMWCars {
    	public final class BMW3 extends BMWCars implements ElectricVehicle{
    	public final class BMWI extends BMWCars implements Vehicle {
    	public non-sealed class BMWJV extends BMWCars implements Vehicle {

    Rules for Defining Sealed Classes or Interfaces

    Both Class and Interface can be marked with sealed. Inherited child classes can be marked with either final, sealed and non-sealed. Every permitted subclass must directly extend the sealed class. A permitted subclass may be non-sealed so that it is open for extension by unknown subclasses.


    With introduction of sealed classes we can define the known subclasses of an abstract class. In other words now we can enforce extension of classes that is known in compile time. It allows us to have greater control of class proliferation and improve security.

    This article shows how to install Maven (3.6.3) on macOS Monterey(version 12.2.1) with M1 processor.

    Download Maven

    First we need to download the Maven, for that please visit the following official maven download https://maven.apache.org/download.cgi

    Install Maven

    Go to the download location
    Normally /Users/${username}/Downloads and execute the following command

    tar -xvzf apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3-bin.tar.gz
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/bin/mvn.cmd
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/bin/mvn
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/README.txt
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/LICENSE
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/NOTICE
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/lib/
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/lib/aopalliance.license
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/lib/commons-cli.license
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/lib/commons-codec.license
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/lib/commons-lang3.license
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/lib/failureaccess.license
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/lib/guava.license
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/lib/guice.license
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/lib/httpclient.license
    x apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3/lib/httpcore.license
    It will create a folder apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3 which will contain unzipped contains from the downloaded file. Now Move the folder apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3 to final destination. In my case i moved to a folder DevRuntime which contains other runtimes for my development.
    export MAVEN_HOME=~/DevRuntime/apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3 export PATH=$PATH:$MAVEN_HOME/bin
    Now source the zshenv file
    source ~/.zshenv

    Install Maven

    Now Check that Maven is working
    mvn --verison
    Apache Maven 4.0.0-alpha-3 (2ccf57baa5191468f9911fe85fd99672ac3bacb9)
    Maven home: /Users/SiddB/DevRuntime/apache-maven-4.0.0-alpha-3
    Java version:, vendor: Oracle Corporation, runtime: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-
    Default locale: en_US, platform encoding: UTF-8
    OS name: "mac os x", version: "12.2.1", arch: "aarch64", family: "mac"

    How to get Bash version number in Mac OS

    Following command can be used to know the bash version in Mac OS.
    Execute the following command to know the bash version.
    bash --version
    When I execute the above command I get the followings.
    GNU bash, version 3.2.57(1)-release (arm64-apple-darwin21)
    Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

    Image showing the command and it's output.

    JUnit 5 Example : Custom Display Name

    In JUnit 5, we can use @DisplayName to declare custom display names for test classes and test methods.
    The custom display name will be visible while debugging or while generating any reports from test execution.

    First Let's see an example of Test Class without using Display Name.

    Example 1 without Display name

    package com.bootng.display;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
    public class DisplayCustomNameTest {
    	public void test_if_it_will_rain() {
    	public void test_if_it_will_be_cloudy() {
    	public void test_if_it_will_be_sunny() {


    You can see in the above example, once the Test is executed it shows the exact test method name. Now using DisplayName annotation we will be able to override the display name without changing the test method name.

    Display CustomName Example

    package com.bootng.display;
    @DisplayName("Vacation Weather Test")
    public class DisplayCustNameTest {
    	public void test_if_it_will_rain() {
    	public void test_if_it_will_be_cloudy() {
    	public void test_if_it_will_be_sunny() {

    We can also use a Custom Name generator to generate the test names. 

    As of Version 5.4 it comes with the following generators out of the box.

    Custom Name Generator Example


    Each of the above generators have different implementations of how to generate test name.  In this article we will see how to use the ReplaceUnderscores. 

    In the Following example we are using ReplaceUnderscores.  As a result the test names will be generated by replacing the "_" from respective names.
    package com.bootng.display;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.DisplayName;
    import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
    @DisplayName("Weather Test DisplayExample ")
    public class DisplayGeneratorExampleTest {
    	public void test_if_it_will_rain() {
    	public void test_if_it_will_be_cloudy() {
    	public void test_if_it_will_be_sunny() {
